Insulation Piercing Connector | Cable Piercing Connector

Insulation Piercing Connector | Cable Piercing Connector

Insulation piercing connector is mainly used for wire branching , the applicable voltage is 1KV.
Small contact resistance and low temperature rising. The specially-made moment bolt s constant piercing pressure which enable the connector to get a good electric contact without any excessive conductor damage, and the normal performance life of circuitry.

Material:Metal, Plastic

Mainly Application:
Special for street lamp system(vertical shaft forbidden)
For connecting the building lights, street lamp, high building vertical shaft.
For connecting the cables of high building vertical shaft, outdoor overhead wires, factory power cable.

The conductor used for insulation piercing connector must conform with international standard.
The Installation operator must be familiar with installation technique.
Please put on insulating gloves and use insulating box spanner during hot-line work.The insulation piercing connector is a kind of one-time product. Please do not use it again after dismantling because of pattern transfiguration.

Notice of Installation:
Installing and fixing main cable in traditional way.
Stripping outer insulator of main cable for 0.6m at part that need part( do not destroy insulation layer for phase).
Choosing branch cable (not more than) distance is the same as electric meter box, and strip insulator at two terminals.
Installing the separator vertically by turns( the repeater distance is more than 10cm)


Post time: Jul-11-2024